Organized Gambling Spreadsheet
Fourth quarter is around the corner. Do you know where your tax documents are?
Your teachers were right. It’s so much easier to get organized at the beginning of the school year than in the middle or toward the end.
Same goes for the tax year. You meant to get organized, you really did. Life got in the way. In between job, family, and personal demands, it can be tough to keep your home organized, let alone your tax documents. Here are some documents to have on hand, regardless of your tax status:
Malicious Compliance Malicious compliance is the act of using an organization's own processes and rules against it. For example, a government employee who disagrees with the actions of that government who uses processes and rules to slow the government down. Organizational Structure: do you even need to formalize it when you have a relatively small business? The answer to that question is a straightforward “Yes.” Your Organizational Structure not only captures who is responsible for what but also the reporting and communications lines that tie everything together. To give you a better idea on the 'why' we're going to go through 5 of the most.
- Student loan statements/1098 E form
- Mortgage interest statement
- Bank statements
- Receipts for child care
- Any correspondence from the IRS
- 1099G forms for gambling winnings
- Unemployment insurance documentation
- 1095A form for health insurance purchased through your state’s exchange
- 1 A visit to a Gambling Establishment is a Gambling Session 2 If you go to more than 1 Casino on a given day, you will have multiple Gambling Sessions for that day 3 Count your Gambling Money before you go into the Casino, etc. And enter Beginning Cash 4 If you get an ATM withdrawal for more Gambling Money, enter in ATM column.
- We have great sports betting tools and tips for up. When betting on sports, it is important to have the right tools and tips. Our sports betting tools and tips include spreadsheets to assist you with your sports betting. The Bet Tracker and the Arbitrage Calculator are available in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
- Gambling Recap Month Total Winnings Total Losses January February March April May June July August September October November December Total It is important that you keep all supporting documents used in preparing this year’s return for at least three years from your tax return’s due date.

Gather everything. Depending on your tax status and whether or not you itemize your deductions, you’ll need to have records and receipts handy for your eventual tax appointment.
If you have your tax documents stored in the Cloud, create a digital file. Merge your tax documents into the file so it will be handy when your tax pro asks for it. Keep a backup flash drive.
If you prefer paper documents, go through drawers, folders, and your car to dig out receipts and other paperwork that you’ll need for your taxes.
Find a central location. If you’re storing paper documents, stash them in a file folder, accordion file, or even a shoebox. As you incur expenses, toss the receipt into your storage spot. You’ll save yourself the tax day rushing around you promised yourself you’d avoid this time out.

Create a spreadsheet If you’re an Excel whiz, create a spreadsheet and post your deductible expenses to that spreadsheet. You’ll have all the necessary information ready for tax day. Your tax pro will love you for it. Just be sure to hold onto the original receipts as you may need them in the event of an audit.
Use a productivity app. If you’d rather track receipts digitally, a budgeting app is your best bet for scanning, storing and printing tax-related receipts right from your mobile device.
Document, document, document If you’re self-employed or have a side gig as an independent contractor, it is vital to save your expense-related receipts. Expenses such as office supplies, fuel, cell phone and utilities are potential deductions, so you’ll need documentation to substantiate each deduction.
Back them up Life is unpredictable, and so is technology. A broken phone, crashed computer, frozen hard drive or disaster could wipe out your receipts. If you use digital means to store your receipts, back up your files to the Cloud regularly. Stash pdf copies on a flash drive for extra measure. Keep one flash drive in a safe deposit box or safe, and keep the other in a place where you can easily find it.

Organize your tax documents early and often. Set aside some time once a week to scan/upload receipts or to file away any paper documents.
Gathering your tax documents well ahead of tax day will save you time and energy in the long run. Who couldn’t use more of those?
After scouring the web to identify the best format ideas for a Masters office pool I realized there was a need for a consolidated list of the best options. Listed below are the four simplest yet entertaining Masters pool formats for 2020, sorted by simplest first.
These are the four best that I could find, but if you have better Masters pool ideas, please share the format details in the comments section at the bottom of this page. We supply online setup and scoring for most Masters Golf Pool formats and other office golf pools.
2020 Masters Pool Setup

Organized Gambling Spreadsheet Definition
* Excel tools and online tools are included to help manage different formats. For you Excel wizards out there, I’m sure there’s a way to automate these spreadsheets a bit more. Please comment below or email if you have a great Excel solution that would be beneficial for this and I can post it.
Here are the 4 options:
#1 – Random Selection | Tools |
This is the simplest option. Put names of all the golfers in the field into a hat (or into an Excel Spreadsheet, like the one to the right with the field for 2020). Each person draws a golfer until all golfers have been picked. Whoever has the winning golfer wins the pool. | Tab 1 |
#2 – 6 Tiers, Use 4 (recommended option) | |
This is my favorite option because it involves some strategy but is still simple. Each person selects one golfer from each of the 6 tiers. Tiers are organized based on the world rankings. Once the tournament is completed you take the best four of your six scores and add them together to get your final score. Whoever has the lowest total wins. Any golfer that doesn’t make the cut gets an 80 for rounds 3 and 4, respectively. Choose the winning score as a tiebreaker (for example, if the winner posts -12, whoever guessed closest wins the tiebreaker). | Tab 2 Manage this format online |
#3 – Snake Draft, Choose 5 Use 4 | |
This one involves a bit more effort because you have to organize a draft. Start by drawing from a hat to determine the order of the draft. Once determined, conduct your draft with the snake format (for example, if you have 3 people, the draft order is 1,2,3,3,2,1,1,2,3,3,2,1,1,2,3). Each player chooses the best golfer still available when it’s their turn to draft. Once the tournament is completed you take the best four of your five scores and add them together to get your final score. Whoever has the lowest total wins. Any golfer that doesn’t make the cut gets assigned a score of 80 for rounds 3 and 4. Choose the winning score as a tiebreaker (for example, if the winner posts -12, whoever guessed closest wins the tiebreaker). | Tab 3 |
#4 – Handicapped, Choose 5 Use 4 | |
This once gets a little trickier because it penalizes players according to their ability (or odds of winning). Each person chooses any 5 golfers from the field. The golfers handicap as subtracted from their final score (for example, if you select Tiger in 2013 you have to add 10 strokes to his score). Once the tournament is completed you take the best four of your five scores and add them together to get your final score. Whoever has the lowest total wins. Any golfer that doesn’t make the cut gets assigned the highest scores from rounds 3 and 4, respectively. Choose the winning score as a tiebreaker (for example, if the winner posts -12, whoever guessed closest wins the tiebreaker). | Tab 4 |
Organized Gambling Spreadsheets

Odds for the Masters can be pulled from at a point in time. Normally the field is not set until the Sunday prior to the tournament.
Each format listed above can be used to run an office golf pool for any of the major golf tournaments. In addition to the Masters, hosting office pools for the British Open, US Open, and the PGA Championship can help bolster office camaraderie friendly banter. For more information on how our golf pools work visit the PGA Fantasy Page.
Enjoy the Masters!! Please leave a comment below or share this with friends if you found it helpful.