Lying Poker Face
Why Google Cache Is Lying With A Poker Face And What To Do About It If Anything. Google cache has the snapshots of raw HTML file which was received from one’s server by the Google-bot and then that HTML which was captured by Google is rendered by one’s browser. Limited Edition Merch, available 1 week only PLUS get 25% off!! 🎉: Join the SuperFam and support FBE: https://www.youtu. Lying is an art form. To be able to come up with the perfect lie and deliver it believably is no easy feat, especially when you're lying to someone who knows your mannerisms well.
Watch all Poker Face Eps: Join the SuperFam and support FBE: SUBSCRIBE & HIT THE 🔔. Why Google Cache Is Lying With A Poker Face And What To Do About It If Anything. Google cache has the snapshots of raw HTML file which was received from one’s server by the Google-bot and then that HTML which was captured by Google is rendered by one’s browser.
Google cache has the snapshots of raw HTML file which was received from one’s server by the Google-bot and then that HTML which was captured by Google is rendered by one’s browser. The idea is quite simple which makes Google store cached pages as it lets users browse a page when the page is in the event of a temporary timeout or simply down.
One can check the cache in search results by clicking the arrow next to the URL in the search results. One can also type the address directly in their browser itself.
The few elements shown in the cache view are;
- Requested URL
- Dates of the pages when they were indexed or re-indexed by Google
- Types of view- full, text-only and view source

Google cache doesn’t show how Google sees one’s website. For rendering purposes, Google uses web rendering service which is based on Chrome 41, a three-year-old browser which doesn’t even support modern features which are needed for proper rendering. By simply comparing the supported and unsupported features one can see the huge gap between these versions.
Another reason why one shouldn’t rely on Google cache while auditing the website is the freshness of content. While re-indexing the page, Google doesn’t always create a new snapshot. Even though the content may have changed twice since then, but it may happen that as they use an older version.
Google gives one hint on how one should interpret the issues discovered in Google cache, but it doesn’t provide one the detailed info on how Google cache works.
The anomalies found in the cache are harmless, but one shouldn’t ignore that. Some of the issues are;
A possible reason could be a resource like CSS might have changed. Some elements on the page might not be rendered properly, some images might also be missing, and the fonts as well differ from what one sees on their website. The reason for this to happen is because the recent rendering is based on the cached version of the page which may also refer to resources which may no longer exist.
The reason can be that a website was switched to mobile indexing. Since there were many websites which displayed 404 error pages in the cache due to the rolling out of mobile-first indexing by Google, and this created a lot of panics. As Google does not provide details it is hard to explain why the issue occurs.
Internal duplication is the reason behind it. Google may decide to fold the two pages together if it feels that they are too similar to keep them separate in the index. If Google cannot differentiate one from the other, then it may keep only one version and this seems to be its method for dealing with duplicate pages.

Reason for this can be external duplication and incorrect canonicalization. There are some things which Google does which confuses many people. Those are;
- Google conflates one site with another site
- Incorrect rel=canonical tag
- Same contents of the international sites
The only reason can be is that the page wasn’t cached. Google does not store a cached view for all the pages it crawls and indexed to. They have enormous resources but aren’t unlimited, so they sometimes forego some.
Lying is an art form. To be able to come up with the perfect lie and deliver it believably is no easy feat, especially when you're lying to someone who knows your mannerisms well. For some of us, lying feels impossible. Your palms start to sweat, anxiety runs through your mind, and you know you're just gonna end up telling the truth anyway. Speaking of which, these zodiac signs are terrible at lying, so if you've got placements in Aries, Cancer, Virgo, or Sagittarius, you might as well just be honest, because the truth will set you free — and make you feel better.
Personally, I can relate to being bad at lying. As a Cancer rising, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so even if I'm saying all the right things, my facial expressions always betray me. If you're throwing a surprise party for a friend of mine, don't even tell me, because my excitement will give it away. If I'm talking to someone I have strong feelings toward, my voice will shake or my eyes will roll, and they'll definitely figure out how I feel toward them. What can I say? At least you can trust me to be honest.

The same goes for the below zodiac signs. Whether they just don't care enough to lie or they simply can't help but let the truth shine, lying isn't something that tends to be in their social tool belt.
Aries: They're Too Impulsive To Come Up With A Lie
The first sign in the zodiac wheel tends to think with their gut rather than their head, and as you can imagine, this makes it pretty difficult for them to lie. Fabricating the truth takes time, planning, and patience, but an Aries? Their impulse is to just say exactly what they mean and deal with the consequences later. Whether they're trying to keep a secret or lie about how they're feeling, it's always easy for someone to see through it. Probably because they accidentally told the truth.
Cancer: You Can See The Truth Written In Their Eyes
When a Cancer needs to lie, they tend to just avoid the subject at all costs. This makes sense when you consider how this zodiac sign is ruled by the crab, a creature that crawls sideways. However, when confronted, a Cancer tends to communicate too emotionally to be able to lie. They wear their heart on their sleeve and it's always easy to tell how they're feeling. If you keep pressing them on their lie, they're bound to just reveal the truth because lying makes them feel terrible.
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Virgo: They Overthink The Lie To The Point That It's Obvious
Of all the zodiac signs who made the list, Virgo is probably the best at lying. The thing is, a Virgo usually doesn't care enough to lie to you. If you've got lipstick on your teeth or you're making a fool of yourself, a Virgo will be the first one to tell you the truth. In their mind, they see no reason to lie when the truth might help you even more. However, when they do lie, they have the tendency to overdo it. They'll add way too many details and angles to the point that it just sounds like a lie.
Sagittarius: They Tend To Just Blurt Out The Truth
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You know that person who covers their mouth after telling the truth before saying 'whoops'? That person is probably a Sagittarius. They're what I like to call 'brutally honest' and whether they're cracking a joke that hits a little too close to home or they're having a case of word vomit, this mutablefire sign tends to express the truth way more often than lies. You can always rely on them to be the first one to say exactly what everyone else is thinking — just don't expect them to keep a secret for long.